At, we prioritize data preservation and highlight its significance in our processes. Our system performs regular automatic data backups daily, weekly, and monthly to negate the risk of data loss or corruption. Beyond that, it also verifies system backups for accuracy to ensure data integrity. We periodically put backups in cold storage to safeguard the backup files from central point-of-failure and facilitate recovery from any disastrous events.
Our disaster recovery approach arms us against potential failures and interruptions. We follow the rule of multiple redundancies, leading to immediate recovery of systems and services. In addition, we maintain a comprehensive disaster recovery plan, highly focused on business continuation, which defines RTO (Recovery Time Objective) and RPO (Recovery Point Objective) to minimize any impact on business operations. Regular recovery drills are part of our proactive approach to ensure readiness to respond effectively in case of real scenarios.
Data Centers operates on the Google Cloud Platform, they comply with the high industry standards to assure the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of your data.
We use robust, standardized encryption practices to safeguard data while at rest and during transmission. Data at rest is encrypted using advanced cryptographic methodologies like AES-256. For data transmission, we employ SSL/TLS encryption, ensuring that data communicated between the user and our servers is protected. As part of our encryption policies, we adopt a key management process that includes regular key rotation to maintain data security at the highest standards.
At, we follow a strict least-privilege principle when it comes to system access. Personnel access to sensitive data is strictly ruled by necessity, and all access logs are monitored for abnormal activities. Regular audits of our access controls and users’ privileges ensure the ongoing security of our systems. Access permissions are regularly revised, and outdated privileges are promptly revoked.
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